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To get started, make sure the Kdeps CLI is already installed on your device.

In this quickstart, we’ll guide you through creating a simple AI agent. We will:

  1. Enable API mode and set up a basic API route.
  2. Calling an open-source LLM (Language Model) and passing request data for processing.
  3. Returning a structured JSON response.

This tutorial will walk you through building a foundational AI agent, which you can expand to handle more advanced workflows. Let’s dive in!

Generate the Configuration

Kdeps requires a .kdeps.pkl configuration file to function. This file is automatically generated the first time you run kdeps, with default settings, including the GPU mode (dockerGPU) is set to cpu. Other dockerGPU values includes nvidia, or amd.

To create the configuration file, simply execute:


After generation, an editor defined in the $EDITOR env var will edit the configuration, which allows you to change the dockerGPU to the GPU that you have.

Kdeps - Configuration

This is a one-time setup step. For more information, see the configuration guide.

Create Your First AI Agent

Kdeps can generate a starting project with the new command. To create a new project, use the following command:

kdeps new aiagentx

This command will:

  1. Create a project named aiagentx.
  2. Set up a project directory called aiagentx with the following structure:
  • workflow.pkl: A Workflow configuration file that defines the workflow and settings for your AI agent project.
  • resources/: A Resources folder pre-filled with example .pkl resource files, including:
  • data/: A Data directory for storing project-specific data.

Once the setup is complete, you’re ready to start building and customizing your AI agent.

Note: In this quickstart guide, we are just going to focus on configuring the workflow.pkl, and 2 resources namely resources/chat.pkl and resources/response.pkl.

Configure the Workflow

The workflow.pkl file is the core configuration for your AI agent. It allows you to define API routes, configure custom Ubuntu repositories and packages, manage Anaconda and Python dependencies, and include LLM models. For comprehensive details, see the Workflow documentation.

Default Action

The workflow.pkl file defines the workflow and settings for your AI agent. Within this file, you’ll find the targetActionID configuration:

targetActionID = "responseResource"

Here, responseResource refers to the ID of the target resource file, located in resources/response.pkl:

actionID = "responseResource"

This resource will be executed as the default action whenever the AI agent runs.

API Mode

The workflow.pkl file allows you to configure the AI agent to operate in API mode. Below is the generated configuration:

APIServerMode = true
APIServer {
    portNum = 3000
    routes {
        new {
            path = "/api/v1/whois"
            methods {
                "GET" // Enables data retrieval
                "POST" // Allows data submission

This configuration creates an API server running on port 3000 with a route at /api/v1/whois. You can define multiple routes as needed.

With these settings, you can interact with the API using curl or similar tools. For example:

curl 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1/whois' -X GET

If you set APIServerMode to false, the AI agent will bypass the API server and directly execute the default action, exiting upon completion.

LLM Models

The workflow.pkl file defines the LLM models to be included in the Docker image. Here’s an example configuration:

agentSettings {
    models {
        // "llama3.2"
        // "llama3.1"

In this setup, the llama* models are commented out. To enable them, simply uncomment the corresponding lines.

Kdeps uses Ollama as it's LLM backend. You can define as many Ollama compatible models as needed to fit your use case.

For a comprehensive list of available Ollama compatible models, visit the Ollama model library.

Note: Additional settings about Ubuntu, Python, and Anaconda Packages

You can also configure custom Ubuntu packages, repositories, and PPAs, along with additional Python or Anaconda packages. However, for this quickstart guide, we won’t be using these settings.

Configuring Resources

Once the workflow.pkl is configured, we can move on to setting up the resources. The AI agent will utilize two resources: resources/chat.pkl and resources/response.pkl.

As mentioned previously, each resource is assigned a unique ID, which we will use to refer to the corresponding resource.

Resource Dependencies

Each resource contains a requires section that defines the dependencies needed for that resource. The generated resources/response.pkl resource is dependent on the chatResource resource. Additionally, you can include other resources by uncommenting the relevant lines.

requires {
    // "pythonResource"
    // "shellResource"
    // "httpResource"

When the resource IDs are specified, they form a dependency graph that determines the execution order of the workflow. To learn more about how this graph-based dependency system works, refer to the Graph Dependency documentation.

resources/response.pkl Resource

Within the resources/response.pkl, you'll find the following structure:

APIResponse {
    success = true
    response {
        data {
            // "@(python.stdout("pythonResource"))"
            // "@(exec.stdout("shellResource"))"
            // "@(client.responseBody("httpResource"))"
    errors {
        new {
            code = 0
            message = ""

The APIResponse directive is the structure that will be converted into a JSON response.

The resulting JSON will generally look like this:

    "success": true,
    "response": {
        "data": []
    "errors": [{
        "code": 0,
        "message": ""


Within the data JSON array, you will encounter references such as llm, python, exec, and client. These represent resource functions, which are fully customizable using Apple PKL. This flexibility allows you to extend and adapt the resources to meet your specific requirements. See the Functions documentation, for more information.

Each resource corresponds to a specific function, as illustrated below:

// python.stdout("ID")
// exec.stdout("ID")
// client.responseBody("ID")

In this AI agent workflow, the LLM response is retrieved from the chatResource and appended to the data JSON array.

Resource Promise

Notice that each resource function is enclosed within "@()". This follows the Kdeps convention, which ensures the resource is executed at a later stage. For more details on this convention, refer to the documentation on the Kdeps Promise directive.

When invoking a resource function, always wrap it in "@()" along with double quotes, as in "@(llm.response("chatResource"))". Depending on the output of this promise, you may sometimes needed to escape it.

For example:

local clientResponse =

resources/chat.pkl Resource

The chat resource is an llm resource. This will create our LLM chat sessions.

If we look at the pkl file, we notice that the requires section is blank. This is because chatResource does not depend on other resource in order to function.

chat {
    model = "llama3.1"
    prompt = "Who is @("
    JSONResponse = true
    JSONResponseKeys {
    timeoutDuration = 60.s

The model we use here is the same model that we define in the workflow.pkl. If you want to use multiple LLMs. You need to create new llm resource file to use the defined LLM model there.

Note: Kdeps executes resource in a top-down queue manner. By design, Kdeps does not allow multiple resource actions to be executed in a single resource file. If you need to perform a new resource action, you have to create a new resource file with a unique ID, then define it as a dependency.

In the prompt, we use the function @(, which inserts the request data into the prompt. Referring back to the route configuration, the curl command can send request data using the -d flag, as shown:

curl 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1/whois' -X GET -d "Neil Armstrong"

Additionally, we have set JSONResponse to true, enabling the use of JSONResponseKeys. To ensure the output conforms to specific data types, you can define the keys with their corresponding types. For example: first_name__string, famous_quotes__array, details__markdown, or age__integer.

Important: To accomplish defining the corresponding data types to keys, you'll need to adjust your LLM model, as the default tinydolphin model is not equipped to handle this. It is recommended to use models from the llama3.* family instead.


After finalizing our AI agent, we can then proceed on packaging the AI agent. Packaged AI agents are single file that ends in .kdeps extension. With a single file, we can distribute it, reuse, sell and remix it in your AI agents.

Note: At the moment, Kdeps does not have the capability to upload the .kdeps file. This is planned in the future, along with the marketplace for AI agents, and an online dashboard to testing, debugging and deploying AI agents.

To package an AI agent, simply run with package specifying the folder.

kdeps package aiagentx

This will create the aiagentx-1.0.0.kdeps file in the current directory. We can now proceed on building the Docker image and container for this AI agent.


After building the kdeps file, we can now run either build or run on the AI agent file.

The build command will create a Docker image, and the run will both create a Docker image and container.

On this example, we will use run to do both.

kdeps run aiagentx-1.0.0.kdeps

This step will build the image, install the necessary packages, and download the Ollama models.

Testing the AI Agent API

After creating the container. the LLM models will be downloaded by Ollama. This might take some time, the API routes will be not be available after Ollama have completed downloading the models.

After the models has been downloaded, we can proceed on doing an API call using curl.

> curl 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1/whois' -X GET -d "Neil Armstrong"

  "errors": [
      "code": 0,
      "message": ""
  "response": {
    "data": [
        "address": "Lebanon, Ohio, USA (birthplace)",
        "famous_quotes": [
          "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
        "first_name": "Neil",
        "known_for": [
          "First person to walk on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission",
          "Pioneering astronaut and naval aviator"
        "last_name": "Armstrong",
        "parents": {
          "father": "Stephen Koenig Armstrong",
          "mother": "Viola Louise Engel"
  "success": true
Kdeps - API

And that's it! We have created our first Kdeps AI Agent. Now, let's dive into Kdeps configuration a bit further and learn more about workflow and resources.