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API Response Resource

The response resource is designed to initialize an API response in JSON format by pre-filling the data array with values generated from previously executed resources.

Using this resource alongside Skip Conditions and Preflight Validations, you can define rules to output either a successful response or a custom error.

You can define multiple API routes in the workflow.pkl file. For more information, refer to the Workflow documentation.

Creating a New API Response Resource

To create a new response resource, you can either generate a new AI agent using the kdeps new command or scaffold the resource directly.

Here’s how to scaffold a response resource:

kdeps scaffold [aiagent] response

This command will add a response resource to the aiagent/resources folder, creating the following folder structure:

└── resources
    └── response.pkl

The generated file includes essential metadata and common configurations, such as Skip Conditions and Preflight Validations. For more details, refer to the Common Resource Configurations documentation.

API Response Block

The file contains the APIResponse block, structured as follows:

APIResponse {
    success = true
    meta {
        headers {
            // ["X-Frame-Options"] = "DENY"
            // ["Content-Security-Policy"] = "default-src 'self'; connect-src *; font-src *; script-src-elem * 'unsafe-inline'; img-src * data:; style-src * 'unsafe-inline';"
            // ["X-XSS-Protection"] = "1; mode=block"
            // ["Strict-Transport-Security"] = "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
            // ["Referrer-Policy"] = "strict-origin"
            // ["X-Content-Type-Options"] = "nosniff"
            // ["Permissions-Policy"] = "geolocation=(),midi=(),sync-xhr=(),microphone=(),camera=(),magnetometer=(),gyroscope=(),fullscreen=(self),payment=()"
        properties {
            // ["X-Custom-Properties"] = "value"
    response {
        data {
            // "@(python.stdout(\"pythonResource\"))"
            // "@(exec.stdout(\"shellResource\"))"
            // "@(client.responseBody(\"httpResource\"))"
    errors {
        new {
            code = 0
            message = ""

Key Elements of the APIResponse Block:

  • success: Indicates whether the response signifies a successful operation.
  • meta: Meta block includes the custom response headers, custom response properties, and requestID.
  • response: Populates the response data with outputs from resources such as llm, python, exec, or client.
  • errors: Defines custom error codes and messages to handle various error cases. Multiple errors can be defined and returned.
  • timeoutSeconds: Sets the timeout duration in seconds, after which the execution will be terminated.