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File Uploads

Kdeps supports uploading files via its API in addition to sourcing files from the Data Folder.

To enable file uploads through the Kdeps API, you must configure the HTTP POST method in the methods section of your configuration. For further details, refer to the API Routes documentation.

Uploading Files as FORM Data

Files are uploaded via a POST request containing a FORM with the field name file[]. This format supports uploading multiple files simultaneously.

Here’s an example of using curl to send a form with multiple files. The @ prefix indicates that the files are binary:

curl 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1/files' -X POST \
      -F "file[]=@file1.jpg" -F "file[]=@file2.png"

Accessing Uploaded Files in Resources

You can access uploaded files in your resources using the request function.

The request functions that we are going to discuss for handling uploaded files are:

  • request.files(): Retrieves a list of uploaded file paths.
  • request.filetypes(): Returns the MIME types of uploaded files.
  • request.filesByType("mimetype"): Filters and retrieves files of a specific MIME type.

There are other available request file operation functions. For the full list of available request functions, refer to the API Request Functions documentation.

Example Usage

Using the earlier curl example:

  • To retrieve the path of the first uploaded file: "@(request.files()[0])".
  • To determine the file type of the first uploaded file: "@(request.filetypes()[0])".
  • To access the second file’s path: "@(request.files()[1])", which corresponds to file2.png.

The request.filesByType("mimetype") function is particularly useful for filtering files based on their MIME type.