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Resource Functions

Each resource comes with built-in functions, all written in Apple PKL. This design provides the flexibility to extend and customize these functions to suit your specific needs.

Below is a list of functions available for each resource:

Exec Resource Functions

exec.resource("id")Accesses the exec resource for the specified ID, providing direct access to command, stderr, stdout, and exitCode.
exec.stderr("id")Retrieves the standard error (stderr) output of the shell execution for the specified exec resource ID.
exec.env("id", "ENVVAR")Fetches the value of a defined environment variable (ENV_VAR) from the specified exec resource in the PKL.
exec.stdout("id")Retrieves the standard output (stdout) of the shell execution for the specified exec resource ID.
exec.exitCode("id")Fetches the exit code resulting from the shell execution of the specified exec resource ID.
exec.file("id")Retrieves the file path where the stdout output was automatically saved during runtime.

HTTP Client Resource Functions

client.resource("id")Retrieves the HTTP client resource for the specified ID, providing access to method, url, data, headers, and response.
client.responseBody("id")Retrieves the body of the HTTP client response for the specified ID.
client.responseHeader("id", "HEADER_ID")Fetches the value of the specified header (HEADER_ID) from the HTTP client response for the given resource ID.
client.file("id")Retrieves the file path where the response body output was automatically saved during runtime.

LLM Resource Functions

llm.resource("id")Accesses the llm resource for the specified ID, providing details about the prompt, response, JSONResponse, and JSONResponseKeys.
llm.response("id")Retrieves the response generated by the LLM for the specified resource ID.
llm.prompt("id")Retrieves the prompt sent to the LLM for the specified resource ID.
llm.JSONResponse("id")Retrieves the configuration of the JSONResponse for the specified resource ID.
llm.JSONResponseKeys("id")Fetches the configuration of JSONResponseKeys for the specified resource ID.
llm.file("id")Retrieves the file path where the llm response output was automatically saved during runtime.

Python Resource Functions

python.resource("id")Accesses the python resource for the specified ID, providing details about the condaEnvironment, script, stderr, stdout, and exitCode.
python.stderr("id")Retrieves the standard error (stderr) output of the shell pythonution for the specified python resource ID.
python.env("id", "ENV_VAR")Fetches the value of a defined environment variable (ENV_VAR) from the specified python resource in the PKL.
python.stdout("id")Retrieves the standard output (stdout) of the shell pythonution for the specified python resource ID.
python.exitCode("id")Fetches the exit code resulting from the shell pythonution of the specified python resource ID.
python.file("id")Retrieves the file path where the python stdout output was automatically saved during runtime.